Arash Yavari


Ph.D. California Institute of Technology 2005 UnitedStates
Dissertation: Atomic Structure of Ferroelectric Domain Walls, Free Surfaces and Steps
Mathematics Subject Classification: 74—Mechanics of deformable solids

Advisor: Michael Ortiz
Advisor 2: Kaushik Bhattacharya

Click here to see the students listed in chronological order.

Angoshtari, ArzhangGeorgia Institute of Technology2013
Faghih Shojaei, MostafaGeorgia Institute of Technology2019
Golgoon, AshkanGeorgia Institute of Technology2020
Khezrzadeh, HamedSharif University of Technology2012
Mirzaeifar, RezaGeorgia Institute of Technology2013
Pradhan, Satya PrakashGeorgia Institute of Technology2024
Sadik, SouhaylGeorgia Institute of Technology2016
Sozio, FabioGeorgia Institute of Technology2022

According to our current on-line database, Arash Yavari has 8 students and 8 descendants.
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