There are 13 mathematicians whose last name begin with SAGI.

Sagi, Dov
Sági, Gábor Eötvös Loránd University 1999
Sagias, Georgios University of Athens 1998
Sagindykov, Bauyrzhan Institute Mathematics Acad. of Science, Kazakhstan 2000
Sagintaeva, Saule Institute Mathematics Acad. of Science, Kazakhstan 1995
Sagirov, I. Yaroslavl State University 2003
Sagirow, Peter Universität Stuttgart 1965
Sagisaka, Yoshinori
Sagitov, Serik Steklov Institute of Mathematics 1983
Sagiv, Amir Tel Aviv University 2019
Sagiv, Shmuel Technion-Israel Institute of Technology 1991
Sagiv, Yehoshua Princeton University 1978
Sagiyama, Koki University of California, Berkeley 2013