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322780 records as of 23 March 2025
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Thank you for visiting the Mathematics Genealogy Project web page. We hope you find the information here both interesting and helpful. While you are visiting this site, please keep in mind that this is an ongoing project. Due to the difficulty in obtaining the type of organized data we need, and the varying sources of data, this project is continuously changing.
Not all fields are required to search for a particular mathematician. Partial matches will work as well. See examples and tips below.
To search for all Mathematicians who received their degree from the University of Wisconsin in 1950:
Name of School: University of Wisconsin
Year of Degree: 1950
To search for anyone whose last name is Jones and their first name begins with a J:
First Name: J
Last Name: Jones
Search Tips
Recently, Professor George M. Bergman has sent us helpful hints regarding searches:- If you preface a string with a caret (e.g. ^lee) you will find only those strings that begin with the given string.
- Similarly, if you add a dollar sign as a suffix (e.g., lee$) you will find only those strings that end with the given string.
- Applying both of the above (e.g., ^lee$) will result in finding only those names that match the string exactly.
Although we now have full support for UTF-8 (Unicode) characters, many of the names in our database appear with unaccented characters due to previous limitations. If you are having trouble finding someone whose name has a non-ASCII character in it, we suggest using an unaccented version of that character in your search ('a' instead of 'ä', for example) or using a substring search that does not include the non-ASCII character. Feel free to submit properly-accented versions of names using the update link on an individual mathematician's page if needed.
Search by the first letter of the last name