
18 February 2025—We are saddened today to announced the passing of Harry B. Coonce, the founder of the Mathematics Genealogy Project, on Friday, 14 February 2025. He was 86 years old. We will add a link to Dr Coonce's obituary when it is available. We will forever be grateful for his vision in creating the Mathematics Genealogy Project and steering it for its first decade and a half. When the MGP was founded, Dr Coonce thought it would be great to have 10,000 mathematicians in the database. By 2002, the project had about 60,000 entries and he was hoping for 100,000. Surpassing 300,000 records seemed unimaginable when he first had the idea about 30 years ago.

11 January 2025—Our data backlog at the moment is more than two months. To preserve staff time to process data, please do not inquire about the status of data submitted unless it was submitted more than 3 months ago.

13 July 2020—Our historical domain name now functions properly, and our nightly updating from the working database to the public database is now set up again. Undoubtedly, there will be some remaining glitches regarding the server migration. Please use the contact form if you identify problems.

2 July 2020—We are in the process of migrating to a cloud server because of a failure of our old server. Pending data submissions were successfully migrated to the new server and will be processed in due course. The domain name does not work for the moment. We anticipate that it will be restored soon, but should be considered the preferred domain name going forward. The data submission/update forms and contact form are now working. Please use the contact form to report any issues you discover.

23 April 2017—Colm Mulcahy of Spelman College has an article in the May 2017 Notices of the American Mathematical Society entitled The Mathematics Genealogy Project Comes of Age at Twenty-one.

2 January 2017—The Astronomy Genealogy Project was recently discussed in an article in the Journal of Astronomical History and Heritage. The article is available on the arXiv. The Mathematics Genealogy Project wishes AstroGen great success, and eagerly looks forward to the public launch of their database.

28 August 2016—On 26 August 2016, Nature News published an article about the Mathematics Genealogy Project. The article discusses the results of the journal article "The classical origin of modern mathematics" by F. Gargiulo, A. Caen, R. Lambiotte, and T. Carletti, published in EPJ Data Science.

21 December 2015—We apologize for the inconvenience, but our data backlog is currently much larger than usual. At the time this message is posted, we are still processing data submitted on 22 November 2015. We thank you for your patience and ask that you do not send inquiries about missing data until at least five weeks have passed since the data was submitted. This message will be removed when our backlog is reduced to the usual three weeks.

20 October 2015—We apologize for the inconvenience, but our data backlog is currently much larger than usual. At the time this message is posted, we are still processing data submitted on 11 September 2015. We thank you for your patience and ask that you do not send inquiries about missing data until at least five weeks have passed since the data was submitted. This message will be removed when our backlog is reduced to the usual three weeks.

13 June 2011Wired magazine has a short mention of the Mathematics Genealogy Project, featuring a visualization of the ancestry of Gerald Sussman.

24 February 2011—Managing Director Mitchel T. Keller was recently interviewed by Jon Adams for the London School of Economics for an online video series highlighting things people attached to the LSE do. The video is available on YouTube.

20 October 2010—Today we have made an additional feature available to improve the display of mathematics in dissertation titles. We now support standard LaTeX code to be displayed using the MathJax package. Please enclose any LaTeX code in submissions between dollar signs ($) to ensure the smoothest implementation of this. To see an example of a thesis title rendered using MathJax, see the page for James Angelos.

20 October 2010—We recently experienced difficulties with our server that may have resulted in data submissions made between 9 October 2010 and 18 October 2010 not having been received. If you submitted new data or data updates in that period, we encourage you to resubmit them to ensure they are published in a timely manner.

17 September 2010—In the 6 May 2010 issue of Times Higher Education, Jon Adams, research officer at the London School of Economics, wrote an article about academic genealogies. In it, the Mathematics Genealogy Project is discussed, and he includes quotes from Managing Director Mitchel T. Keller.

13 September 2010—Thanks to Professor David Joyner of the United States Naval Academy, we have just posted some information about the structure of the Mathematics Genealogy Project graph. This can be found on our extrema page.

1 March 2010—The March 2010 Notices of the American Mathematical Society carries a brief article in the Mathematics People section on Managing Director Mitchel T. Keller's recently-awarded Marshall Sherfield Fellowship. Keller, who will receive his PhD in May 2010 from the Georgia Institute of Technology, is the first mathematician to receive a Marshall Sherfield Fellowship. Up to two fellowships are awarded annually to recent American PhD recipients in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics to conduct postdoctoral research in the United Kingdom. Keller will spend the 2010/11 and 2011/12 academic years in the Department of Mathematics at the London School of Economics as a visiting fellow conducting research in combinatorics. Part of Keller's fellowship application discussed his involvement with the Mathematics Genealogy Project and his desire to use some of his time in the UK to strengthen the Project's connections with UK universities and professional societies.

3 February 2010—At the 2010 Joint Mathematics Meetings in San Francisco, the Mathematics Genealogy Project Advisory Committee held its first meeting. The Project's founder, Harry B. Coonce, relayed his intention to retire from his role as Managing Director. The Advisory Committee recommended that Mitchel T. Keller, long-time Assistant Director, be named Dr. Coonce's successor. This appointment was confirmed by Dogan Comez, Chair of the NDSU Department of Mathematics, on 3 February 2010. The Project anticipates continuing its usual operations as Keller assumes permanent operation of the Project. He had previously served as Interim co-Managing Director since October 2008. Christopher L. Spicer, Assistant Professor of Mathematics at Morningside College, was also named Assistant Director of the Mathematics Genealogy Project. This change more accurately reflects Spicer's responsibilities for producing posters for the Project.

28 June 2009—We now have video tutorials about how to use our online data submission forms available. Links to the tutorials can also be found on the data submission pages.

20 June 2009—Today we are pleased to announce the rollout of a new version of the database that runs behind the scenes of the Mathematics Genealogy Project's website. For the majority of our records, this will have no noticeable impact. However, the enhancements now allow us to record more than two advisors, jointly awarded degrees, and multiple doctorates properly. In the coming months, we will be reviewing our records to edit any old records that can benefit from our new capabilities, but we welcome updates submitted by our visitors as well. Simply click on the link at the bottom of an individual's page to submit an update. We will have a video tutorial on the use of our new update form coming soon, too. As always, you may contact us via email at

3 October 2008—Today we are sorry to report that, due to personal reasons, Founder and Managing Director Harry B. Coonce will be on an indefinite leave of absence from the Project. Serving as Interim co-Managing Directors will be Jim Coykendall and Mitchel T. Keller. While we hope that the Project's operations will move forward seamlessly until Dr. Coonce is able to return to his post, we ask for your patience, as there will inevitably be delays in handling some matters. Please send any correspondence for the project to

30 May 2008—Due to summer travel, there may be extended delays in processing new data submissions. We hope to be caught up by late June. We are also severely behind in responding to email and processing data updates. We hope to be caught up by September. Please do not resubmit any data until we have posted an announcement indicating that we are caught up.

10 December 2007—Please join us at our booth, located with the American Mathematical Society, at the Joint Mathematics Meetings in San Diego, California, 6-9 January 2008. We love hearing from our site's users, and you'll have an opportunity to submit data in person or to order a personalized poster. Note that our participation in the JMM will delay our data processing, so we appreciate your patience. Some data received during January 2008 will likely not be posted until late Feburary 2008.

9 September 2007—Today we have launched a new design for our website. This will likely require that you update any links you have to our site. If you encounter any technical problems, please email Mitch Keller.

9 August 2007—The September 2007 issue of the Notices of the American Mathematical Society contains an article on the Mathematics Genealogy Project: A Labor of Love: The Mathematics Genealogy Project by Allyn Jackson.

24 January 2007—Beginning today, we are testing interlinking with MathSciNet, the online version of the Amerian Mathematical Society's Mathematical Reviews. On over 60 percent of our pages, you should now see a MathSciNet link below the mathematician's name. This will link directly to items in MathSciNet authored by that mathematician. (Either you or your institution will have to have MathSciNet access for this link to work.) In the near future, we will establish a mechanism forour visitors to correct incorrect links or submit new links that were not detected by the automatic linking process. Contact Mitch Keller with questions or issues about this new feature. We hope that a future version of MathSciNet will provide links back to individuals' pages in the genealogy project as well.

21 December 2006—Please join us at our booth, located with the American Mathematical Society, at the Joint Mathematics Meetings in New Orleans, Louisiana, 5-8 January 2006. We love hearing from our site's users, and you'll have an opportunity to submit data in person or to order a personalized poster. Note that our participation in the JMM will delay our data processing, so we appreciate your patience. Some data received between now and 31 January 2007 will likely not be posted until Feburary 2007.

11 October 2006—We now have a list of the top 50 most prolific advisors as well as the number of advisors with a given number of students. This can be found on our extrema page.

1 January 2004—We'll be at the Joint Mathematics Meetings in Phoenix, Arizona, next week. We'll have sample T-shirts and new genealogy posters to look at, and we'll be happy to take any data you might have for us. We will be located at the AMS booth in the exhibits throughout the meetings. Please stop and visit us!

21 December 2003—Today we are pleased to announce one new feature and one improvement in functionality. First, many of our pages now bear a Biography link below a mathematician's name. This link goes to the biography at the MacTutor History of Mathematics Archive run by St. Andrews University in Scotland. We have also changed our method of counting descendants to count all of a mathematician's descendants using a matrix algorithm for performing a breadth first search. This accurately counts descendants by following both Advisor 1 and Advisor 2 links.

21 September 2003—The much anticipated Mathematics Subject Classifications are now online for theses where we have the information. Please continue to submit updates when available.

2 March 2003—In order to make the Mathematics Genealogy Project more helpful to the people who use it we are adding a new feature. Beginning immediately we have added a category for data submission (on new and current entries) that contains the AMS Subject Classification for the thesis. Later this spring, we anticipate having this data visible by individual theses, and we will also be adding a category on the search page in order to allow people to search for all theses in a given area. We recognize that it will be a while before we have this information online for the 62,000 already in the database. However, the new form for submitting updated data allows you to add information to a mathematician's entry without re-entering all the data. Simply browse to his/her page and click the update link at the bottom. We hope that many of you will find this information helpful.

11 January 2003—The Mathematics Genealogy Project now has a new home at North Dakota State University. As a part of this process, it is possible that things have been broken. If you find any bugs or have suggestions for improvements, please contact us via email.

26 September 2000—To improve search efficiency, a search for any name will now find similar names that are spelled using accents, umlauts, or tildes. For example, a search for Mott will now find Mõtt, Mótt, Mött, and so on.