There are 31 mathematicians whose last name begin with SSEAR.

Seara, Carlos Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya 2002
Searborough, Sherry Texas A&M University 2001
Search, Christopher
Searcy, Charles Oklahoma State University 1967
Searcy, Jerry Purdue University 1970
Searcy, Mary University of Georgia 1997
Searcy, Scott Idaho State University 1994
Searing, Richard University of California, Berkeley 1972
Searl, James City University of New York 1987
Searle, Catherine University of Maryland College Park 1992
Searle, Gregory University of New South Wales 1974
Searle, John University of Oxford 1959
Searle, Kit Universiteit Stellenbosch 2021
Searle, Leonard Thomas Princeton University 1956
Searle, Roger University of Newcastle upon Tyne 1969
Searle, Shayle Cornell University 1958
Searles, Dominic University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign 2015
Searls, Donald North Carolina State University 1963
Sears, Aaron Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University 2006
Sears, Bradley Southern Illinois University at Carbondale 1999
Sears, Christopher University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee 2007
Sears, David Yale University 1962
Sears, Douglas University of Oxford 1949
Sears, Mark University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign 1979
Sears, Michael Flinders University 1972
Sears, N. E.
Sears, Robert Yale University 1932
Sears, Varley University of Toronto 1963
Sears, William California Institute of Technology 1938
Searston, Ian University of Newcastle 2014
Seary, Andrew Simon Fraser University 2005