There are 150 mathematicians whose last name begin with LEVIN.

Levin, A.
Levin, Aaron University of California, Berkeley 2005
Levin, Alex Massachusetts Institute of Technology 2013
Levin, Alexander Institute of Mathematics, Moldavian Academy of Science 1984
Levin, Amos Massachusetts Institute of Technology 1969
Levin, Anatolii Voronezh State University 1961
Levin, Andrew Stanford University 1990
Levin, Asaf Tel Aviv University 2003
Levin, Asriel Yale University 1992
Levin, Bertram University of Wisconsin-Madison 1955
Levin, Bjorn Kungliga Tekniska Högskolan (KTH) 1995
Levin, Boris
Levin, Boris Southern Federal University 1936
Levin, Brandon Stanford University 2013
Levin, Bruce Harvard University 1974
Levin, Dan Massachusetts Institute of Technology 1982
Levin, David University of California, Berkeley 1999
Levin, David University of British Columbia 2012
Levin, David
Levin, David University of Maryland College Park 2010
Levin, Eugene University of California, Los Angeles 1955
Levin, Forrest Stevens Institute of Technology 2010
Levin, Frank University of Cincinnati 1955
Levin, Gary Cornell University 1980
Levin, Genadi Rostov on Don State University 1983
Levin, Gerson The University of Chicago 1965
Levin, Gregory The Johns Hopkins University 1998
Levin, Gregory University of Washington 2012
Levin, Jacob Massachusetts Institute of Technology 1953
Levin, Jay University of Michigan 1968
Levin, Jonathan Massachusetts Institute of Technology 1999
Levin, Joseph The University of Chicago 1940
Levin, Joshua University of Colorado at Boulder 2022
Levin, Keith The Johns Hopkins University 2017
Levin, Laurence Stanford University 1989
Levin, Leonid Lomonosov Moscow State University 1972
Levin, Leonid Massachusetts Institute of Technology 1979
Levin, Liron Ben-Gurion University of the Negev 2015
Levin, Lorraine Massachusetts Institute of Technology 1986
Levin, Mariana University of California, Berkeley 2011
Levin, Mark The University of Iowa 1967
Levin, Martin The Johns Hopkins University 1969
Levin, Michael University of Haifa 1992
Levin, Michael University of Pennsylvania 2005
Levin, Michael Massachusetts Institute of Technology 2006
Levin, Oscar University of Connecticut 2009
Levin, Richard Yale University 1974
Levin, Roie Carnegie Mellon University 2022
Levin, Roy Carnegie Mellon University 1977
Levin, Simon University of Maryland College Park 1964
Levin, Sofia Weizmann Institute of Science 1980
Levin, Steven Princeton University 1980
Levin, Suzanne The University of Chicago 1998
Levin, Victor Technische Universität Berlin 1933
Levin, Victoria Harvard University 2010
Levin, Vladimir Lomonosov Moscow State University 1965
Levin, Yan University of California, Berkeley 1992
Levin, Yuri Rutgers University, New Brunswick 2001
Levin, Yuri California Institute of Technology 1999
Levina, Anna Georg-August-Universität Göttingen 2008
Levina, Elizaveta University of California, Berkeley 2002
Levinboim, Tomer University of Notre Dame 2017
Levine, Adam Columbia University 2010
Levine, Alan Harvard University 1994
Levine, Alan Brown University 1971
Levine, Alan State University of New York at Stony Brook 1983
Levine, Alex Heriot-Watt University 2022
Levine, Anna Stanford University 2008
Levine, Arnold University of California, Los Angeles 1964
Levine, Barry Harvard University 1969
Levine, Barry Oregon State University 1979
Levine, Benjamin Carnegie Mellon University 2003
Levine, Daniel Princeton University 1968
Levine, Daniel Massachusetts Institute of Technology 1975
Levine, Daniel Yale University 1970
Levine, Daniel Frederick The Pennsylvania State University 2020
Levine, David Stanford University 1972
Levine, David Dartmouth College 1986
Levine, David New York University 1963
Levine, David Massachusetts Institute of Technology 1981
Levine, David Harvard University 1987
Levine, David University of Michigan 1968
Levine, Earl Stanford University 1996
Levine, Eugene New York University 1962
Levine, Geoffrey University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign 2011
Levine, George Columbia University 1972
Levine, H.
Levine, Harold
Levine, Harold The University of Chicago 1957
Levine, Herbert Princeton University 1979
Levine, Howard Cornell University 1969
Levine, Jack Princeton University 1934
Levine, Jeffrey Rutgers University, New Brunswick 1970
Levine, Jerome Princeton University 1962
Levine, Jonathan University of California, Berkeley 1990
Levine, Jordan University of British Columbia 2014
Levine, Joseph Harvard University 1981
Levine, Joshua The Ohio State University 2009
Levine, Kara University of Wisconsin-Madison 2004
Levine, Lawrence University of Maryland College Park 1968
Levine, Lenore University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign 1994
Levine, Leo New York University 1960
Levine, Lionel University of California, Berkeley 2007
Levine, Marc Brandeis University 1979
Levine, Margo Northwestern University 2007
Levine, Martin
Levine, Matthew Massachusetts Institute of Technology 2002
Levine, Maxwell University of Illinois at Chicago 2017
Levine, Michael California Institute of Technology 1963
Levine, Michael Stanford University 1965
Levine, Nick University of Reading 1985
Levine, Norman The Ohio State University 1952
Levine, Phillip Princeton University 1990
Levine, Raphael University of Oxford 1966
Levine, Richard Cornell University 1996
Levine, Ronald University of California, Berkeley 1970
Levine, Rosalie University of Wisconsin-Madison 1955
Levine, Ross University of California, Los Angeles 1987
Levine, Samuel
Levine, Sergey Stanford University 2014
Levine, Shari University of Oxford 2012
Levine, Solomon Massachusetts Institute of Technology 1951
Levine, Stacey University of Florida 2000
Levine, Stephen Stanford University 1975
Levine, William Massachusetts Institute of Technology 1969
Levine, Xavier California Institute of Technology 2013
Levine, Yehudi King's College London 1970
LeVine, Daniel Brown University 1983
LeVine, Robert Harvard University 1958
Lévine, Jean Université Paris IX - Dauphine 1984
Levin Early, Madeline Bryn Mawr College 1937
Levin Fiorelli, Ines California Institute of Technology 2012
Levinger, Bernard New York University 1960
Levins, Mihails University of Pennsylvania 2005
Levinshtein, Alex University of Toronto 2010
Levinsohn, James Princeton University 1988
Levinson, David University of Wisconsin-Madison 1949
Levinson, David University of California, Berkeley 1998
Levinson, Deborah University of South Florida 1988
Levinson, Henry New York University 1970
Levinson, Jake University of Michigan 2017
Levinson, Matthew University of California, Los Angeles 2013
Levinson, Norman Massachusetts Institute of Technology 1935
Levinson, Ronnen University of California, Berkeley 1997
Levinson, Stephen University of Rhode Island 1974
Levinson, Tatiana Freie Universität Berlin 2023
Levinson, Zachary University of Michigan 2019
Levinstein, Benjamin Rutgers University, New Brunswick 2013
Levinthal, Cyrus University of California, Berkeley 1950